
Oregon LLC Benefit Company A majority of U.S. states have adopted benefit corporation statutes. These statutes allow founders to create a corporation and (legally) prioritize other corporate objectives besides shareholder profit. Many corporations have taken advantage of these new laws to prioritize objectives such as improving their community, empowering their workforce,...

Common Oregon LLC ErrorsWe often meet with entrepreneurs and business owners who, on their own, have formed their Oregon company, but who have lingering questions. Since these clients ask similar questions, we figured an article answering the most common questions and addressing the most commonly missed issues would be helpful. The...

Why Incorporate In DelawareAre you a founder planning on building a fast-growth startup that may seek investment capital from professional investors, such as angel investors or venture capitalists? If so, strongly consider forming a Delaware C Corporation. If not, then be more hesitant. Forming a Delaware C Corporation is not a one-size-fits-all...

What Is A Private Placement?Working with investors to generate capital is key to the success of many companies and businesses. When raising capital for your business, you may consider offering private placements to potential investors, but first you must understand what private placements are and how they work. A private placement is...

What Is A Consent Resolution?Whether a company is an LLC or a Corporation, its owners regularly will need to make decisions on behalf of the company. Those decisions fall under two general categories: 1) day-to-day decisions; and 2) significant decisions. Day-to-day decisions, such as ordering supplies and equipment, paying the company's regular...

Kickstarter Project Outside the USOne of the biggest problems with Kickstarter is that many of the entrepreneurs who want to launch campaigns are outside of the United States, and Kickstarter does not permit them to launch campaigns without complying with the rather strict requirements for creators, which include the following:You must:-...

How To Pick A Business NameIf you're starting up a new business, then selecting a name for your business is one of the first decisions you'll have to make. You should follow a process in selecting the name so that you don't potentially violate others' trademarks and brands, and subject yourself...

Delaware Corporations One of the first issues a new business will face is determining which state to incorporate in. It's no secret that incorporating in Delaware (as a Delaware C corporation) is extremely popular, and this is likely because there is abundantly available information about Delaware tax and corporate laws being...

What Is A Non-Disclosure Agreement ("NDA") Non-disclosure agreements (sometimes referred to as "NDAs" or "confidentiality agreements") are contracts to protect a company's valuable intellectual property from being used by actual, or potential, competitors. In other words, the purpose of the agreement is to ensure that one, or both, of the parties...

Kickstarter Legal Guide Kickstarter is the best known site for "donation based crowdfunding," which has taken off in recent years. Fortunately, for those who want to launch Kickstarter projects, the process of launching such a project is relatively easy, and the laws governing donation based crowdfunding projects are relatively straightforward. This is because the...