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EVENT DESCRIPTION: PubTalks are Oregon Entrepreneurs Network’s flagship networking events where members of the entrepreneurial community gather to connect and learn from and about entrepreneurs. The networking PubTalk series in 2024, taking place outside of the Portland-Metro area, will be hitting the road to Bend for the April PubTalk on Wednesday, April 10th starting...

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Spend your lunch break hearing from expert speakers from Oregon’s leading entrepreneurial associations share invaluable insights and resources tailored to Oregon startups. EDUCATION | VIRTUAL  Register HERE WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Bio Entrepreneurs, Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Early Stage Startups, Local Startups, Bio Tech Startups, Local Support Organizations, Investors, Local Entrepreneur Support Organizations  ...

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Angel Oregon Technology (AOTech) is designed to support early-stage technology startups based in Oregon and Southwest Washington by offering investment-readiness education, mentorship with successful local entrepreneurs in their sector, and connectivity within the local technology community. The program is one in a series of Angel Oregon events facilitated by OEN which includes Angel Oregon...

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Come join us at the Gorge Founders Roundtable, where experienced, local entrepreneurs share insights they learned starting businesses in the Gorge. Hear Nicole Bassett (The Renewal Workshop), Pierce Louis (Dirt Hugger), and Tracy Bech (60 Minute CFO & Starboard Collectives) discuss how they did it, where they found resources, and what they...

Event Description: Founders Investing in Founders is a community resource group supporting local tech startups and growth stage companies. The Creating Community Connections series are designed to connect founders with other founders in meaningful ways while sharing stories, lessons, and best practices. NETWORKING | EDUCATION | IN-PERSON Who Should Attend: Local Founders,...

Event Description: Surprise (or most likely not a surprise) AI is everywhere! The existing local Data Community is growing to encompass AI. The kickoff event of 2024 will feature engagement with local community members, and time to share thoughts, ideas, fears, challenges, and insights on AI. This is an ideal...

Event Description: EDCO’s Central Oregon PubTalk is a happy hour aimed at bringing together different facets of the business community in one place to network, share ideas and further local businesses. NETWORKING | IN-PERSON | LOCAL IMPACT Who Should Attend: Central Oregon Entrepreneurs, Bend OR Startups, Local Support Organizations, Local Entrepreneurs, Investors,...

Event Description: The first OEN PubTalk of 2024, bring to the stage three winners from the OEN Entrepreneurship Awards to share their own origin stories, the resources, and people who have helped them along the way, what has worked for them, and where they plan on going next. NETWORKING | HYBRID...

Event Description: Join PDX WIT and the local entrepreneurial community for the first VIRTUAL Happy Hour of the year and get an opportunity to meet new, like minded people and learn about what is in store for 2024! NETWORKING | VIRTUAL Who Should Attend: Female Entrepreneurs, PDX Entrepreneurs, Local Support Organizations, Women...

Event Description: Mingle with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland. These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital...